Naval Submarine Base New London, CT
New London is the Navy's first Submarine Base and the "Home of the Submarine Force."
It is the home port to 15 attack submarines and a major submarine construction yard.
NSB New London is nestled among picturesque historic villages and bustling urban centers in Groton.
Scenic coastlines, vintage cider mills, and the largest nightclubs between New York and Boston are just a few of the attractions in the region.
KMK has insulated every aspect of the power plant overhaul, from domestic water and steam piping to the three boiler breaches with temperatures above 1000⁰.

South Hartford Conveyance and Storage Tunnel
The South Hartford Conveyance and Storage Tunnel (SHCST) is a four-mile-long deep rock tunnel constructed to convey and temporarily store wastewater from portions of Hartford and West Hartford during storm events. The tunnel will extend from the Hartford Water Pollution Control facility in the South Meadows of Hartford to Talcott Road in West Hartford. During major storm events, the tunnel will minimize sewer overflows into the local waterways, the Connecticut River, and Long Island Sound. The SHCST project is the largest infrastructure component of the MDC’s Clean Water Project and the largest contract ever awarded by the MDC.
KMK was so proud to be part of this major CT project. We Insulated 42” odor control piping, mist eliminators, and heat-traced piping.

For over Thirty years, AmSpec Services, LLC has independently and accurately analyzed and measured petroleum and petrochemical products throughout the US, Caribbean, Latin America, and worldwide. AmSpec Services, LLC is dedicated to providing quality service exceeding our client’s expectations.
The Company and its employees strive for the highest quality performance, achieved through clear and well-documented systems, proper training, the qualifications and experience of employees, and continuous improvements of all overall operations.
The Company is proud to announce that AmSpec Services, LLC is certified to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard under the scope of the “Provision of Petrochemical and Petroleum Laboratory and Inspection Services.”
KMK Insulation insulates and jackets high-pressure pump rigs on trucks that travel around North America testing piping systems. The insulation and jacketing must withstand the temperature changes while pressuring large-scale piping systems and the “high winds” as it travels at high speeds on the open road.

Frequently asked questions
What makes KMK the clear choice for your mechanical insulation project?KMK Insulation has the experience, strength, and financial stability to support large industrial and commercial projects throughout the Northeast. With over 150 years of managerial experience, KMK Insulation is committed to providing quality service to meet all of your insulation needs.
What is an insulation Energy Appraisal?An insulation energy appraisal puts actual dollar savings to BTU losses and calculates greenhouse gas emissions. An appraisal is based on data supplied by a plant/energy manager and gathered during a facility walk-through.
What is the benefit of a mechanical insulation inspection?Properly installed and maintained mechanical insulation systems support energy savings, reduce emissions, and improve occupational and process safety initiatives, while helping reduce the need for potential additional capital funds due to corrosion under insulation and other problematic concerns.
What in KMK’s service area?KMK Insulation has completed projects within the greater North East, including the tri-state area and New England.
Does KMK insulation work on equipment with extreme temperatures?Yes. KMK Insulation can insulate anything, such as cryogenic, refrigeration, chilled water, generator exhausts, turbines, steam